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Spousal Support Issues In A Georgia Divorce Case

Spousal Support Issues In A Georgia Divorce Case Lawyer, Dalton CityRecognition Of Alimony Or Spousal Support In Georgia

Georgia does recognize alimony or spousal support awards in a divorce case. While either party can be the payer or the payee, traditionally it is the husband who is the payer. However, there are instances where the wife is the payer.

The decision is typically based on which party has a higher income, along with other factors such as the financial resources of the parties, the duration of the marriage, the standard of living established during the marriage. The couple does not necessarily need to be parents for alimony to be awarded.

Types Of Alimony And Changes During The Divorce Process

Different types of alimony can be awarded. Temporary alimony can be requested during the divorce process. In the final order, Permanent alimony is awarded at the conclusion of the divorce.

Rehabilitative alimony is awarded in situations where, for instance, the husband was able to complete a college degree during the marriage but the wife was not. In this case, if the husband has a good income, he may be required to pay alimony until the wife graduates from college, enabling her to have better job opportunities.

This type of alimony is called “rehabilitative” because it ends at a specific time, such as when she graduates from college, or once she is able to get on her feet. For example, I had a case where alimony was granted for six months.

Modification Of Alimony In Georgia

Modifications to alimony can be granted in Georgia if there has been a significant change in income and financial status of either party.

For more information on Spousal Support Issues In A GA Divorce Case, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you seek by calling (706) 280-7152 today.

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