Burnett Law
Burnett Law

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General Blog

My Child Won't Visit!
  • By: Nancy Burnett
  • Published: October 13, 2018

Court-ordered visitation is not optional. Just like a child does not get to decide to not go to school, a child does not get to decide to not go to court-ordered visitation. However, the child is not the one who will be held in contempt and subject to fines or time in jail. The custodial parent is in the position of ensuring that the visitation takes place. If he or she does not ensure the visitation takes place, the visiting parent might file for a citation of contempt. If the court finds the custodial parent in contempt, he or she could be required to pay a fine or even spend time in jail. If your child does not want to visit, it is important to find out why. Are you…Read More

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